Kyiv Spiritual Academy for Krishna Consciousness in Ukraine is a non-state higher educational institution. The Academy was founded in 1995. It has a branch in Dnipro, Education at the Academy is provided by donation.
The goal of the Academy is to enable every person, regardless of religious, cultural and political beliefs to learn the science of God according to the ancient Vedic scriptures and Srila Prabhupada’s and the Acaryas’ Teachings.
List of courses:
Discipleship in ISKCON
Educational process takes place in such forms as: on-line, off-line, mixed, distance
Address: Zoryanyi lane,16 Kyiv Ukraine 04078
Website: https://veda-kiev.org.ua/ https://shravanam.online/
Email: info@veda-kiev.org.ua; andreibegun@gmail.com

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