Simpósio Anual Internacional de Educação
Desde 2019, o Ministério da Educação iniciou um simpósio anual chamado “Viplavah”, onde educadores da ISKCON, de todo o mundo, se reúnem em Sridham Mayapur para compartilhar alguns dos conhecimentos inestimáveis que adquiriram ao longo de anos de prática. É com grande prazer que convidamos você a se juntar a nós nesta jornada esclarecedora. Esperamos que você goste de absorver esse conhecimento tanto quanto nós. Esperamos lançar um seminário a cada quinze dias, e se você gosta do que vê e deseja se manter informado, registre-se em nosso site ou em nosso sistema de newsletter, por e-mail, para se manter atualizado sobre novos lançamentos.
Tapana Mishra dasa,
Realizando a visão de Srila Prabhupada para os graus sástricos
Synopsis: In this video, “Realizing Srila Prabhupadas vision for sastric degrees” Atul Krsna Prabhu discusses the obstacles faced in conducting sastric degree certification programs and explains how the newly developed system of assessment is effectively increasing the number of degrees awarded. Srila Prabhupada’s vision was that all of his followers would be highly learned in scripture and carry the title “Bhaktivedanta”. While His Divine Grace’s vision is far from realized, we are fortunate to have Atul Krsna Prabhu outline steps that can be undertaken to make Srila Prabhupadas vision a reality.
Bio: Atul Krsna dasa joined ISKCON’s Melbourne Mahaprabhu Mandir in Australia in 1985. He served as a book distributor and fundraiser in ISKCON Melbourne for 12 years. He also had the privilege to play a leading role in the development of the ISCKON Disciples Course, which has now become a mandatory educational program in ISKCON. Today Atul Krsna dasa resides in Sri Dhama Mayapur, and teaches throughout India, Bangladesh and the Middle East in both English and Bengali mediums. He currently serves as the Chairman of the ISKCON Board of Examinations, which sets standards for sastric study courses in ISKCON, and is an Executive Member of the Ministry of Education.
Educação, não doutrinação
In this video, “Education not Indoctrination” His Holiness Krishna Kshetra Swami discusses the issue of indoctrination that our movement was accused of in its infancy, while also sharing tips on how to promote free thinking within ISKCON to prevent it from becoming an issue today. His Holiness goes on to explain how indoctrination is severely detrimental to the process of learning/realizing the teachings of the absolute truth, while also giving sastric evidence proving that free thinking is not only encouraged in Bhkati Yoga; but is part of the culture.
His Holiness Krishna Kshetra Swami is a disciple of His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. His Holiness served as a missionary, temple pujari, and counselor for bhakti-yoga practitioners from the time of his formal initiation in 1972. In 2004, after eight years of university study, he received a Ph.D. degree from the University of Oxford for his dissertation on Caitanya Vaishnava image worship, now available as a book “Attending Krsna’s Image: Caitanya Vaisnava Murti-seva as Devotional Truth”. Krishna Kshetra Swami is now a Research Fellow of the Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies. He also teaches at Bhaktivedanta College, Radhadesh.
Treinando professores
Em “Treinando Professores”, Sua Graça Urmilla mataji compartilha as melhores práticas para instituir programas educacionais dentro da ISKCON. Esses métodos concentram-se em melhorar a habilidade e o caráter dos professores, que são derivados do sastra e de anos de experiência prática e administrativa. Mataji passa a apresentar vídeos que fazem parte de um programa instrucional que ela ministra em conjunto com o Ministério da Educação, disponibilizado on-line para que os devotos possam aprender como ser um professor mais eficaz em qualquer lugar do mundo!
Urmilla Devi Dasi has been a member of ISKCON since 1973, and is a disciple of His Divine Grace AC. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Her primary work in ISKCON has been in the area of education. In 1982, she and her husband started ISKCON’s first day school in Detroit, where she served as principal for eight years. In 1990, she founded a K-12 school in North Carolina, where she was appointed principal and served for ten years. During her many years as an educator, Urmilla Mataji has had the privilege to teach children in nursery, elementary, and high school for a total of 27 years. Urmila Devi Dasi received a Master’s of School Administration and a Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. In 2010 she published a three-volume set “Dr. Best Learn To Read”, a program comprised of children’s reading books, teacher guides, and activity books to take a young child from learning the English alphabet to fluent reading. Today, Urmilla Mataji serves as a chair of the Sastric Advisory Council to the Governing Body Commission of ISKCON. She regularly travels throughout the world teaching about spiritual life and education.
Como ler os livros de Srila Prabhupada
Sua Graça Vaisesika Dasa nasceu em 1956. Quando adolescente, ele era um ávido buscador espiritual. Logo depois de receber uma revista ‘De Volta ao Supremo’ de um amigo na primavera de 1973, ele se mudou para o templo da ISKCON em São Francisco aos dezesseis anos e, com as bênçãos de seus pais, tornou-se discípulo de Srila Prabhupada e um monge dedicado em tempo integral à prática de Krishna bhakti. Hoje ele mora na área da baía de São Francisco com sua esposa Nirakula Devi Dasi, também discípula de Srila Prabhupada. Juntos, eles desenvolveram uma comunidade espiritual da ISKCON de trezentas famílias no Vale do Silício que se baseia no estudo e distribuição dos livros de Srila Prabhupadas. Ele é um guru iniciador e mestre espiritual na ISKCON. Ele viaja muito para ensinar os princípios do serviço devocional e a grande arte de distribuir livros de Srila Prabhupada.
Outros vídeos
Aqui você encontra o restante dos vídeos do nosso Simpósio Viplavah 2020.