Year of formation2009
AddressSomogyvámos, 8699. Fő utca 38. Hungary
MissionKrishna Valley was purchased in 1993. Besides the construction and organization of the village and the community, children’s education had to begin as well. At that time, there were only a few children. They were homeschooled and had to take exams at the local elementary school. Devotee teachers studied with them, but they did not have a designated school area, so they used whatever space they could find. As you can see in the picture, the children are sitting in a half-finished warehouse. It was a great relief, when the first school building with 4 warm and fully equipped clasrooms and a gym was built in 2002, and shortly after that, a second building was built, and the school was finally accredited, where we can teach our special curriculum.
Our mission in the Sri Prahlada gurukula is to educate the children and create a supportive environment for them according to the principles given to us by our founder Acharya A.C. Bhativedanta swami Prabhupada. Our institution can be found in Krsna valley, where we strive to live in harmony with our environment through ‘simple living and high thinking’. Our goal is to provide all the tools necessary for the child to succeed in their spiritual, emotional, and material life.
This is a school maintained by a religious organization, so our institution is very much involved with the temple community and lifestyle.
ActivitiesOur alternative curriculum consists of three main parts: character development, practical activity/varna education, subject groups.
With character development, our main goals are to develop positive character traits that serve to build both the individual and the community, to learn the rules and practices of the culture, and to develop the value system through which we understand who we are – either as individuals or as members of a community.
Through the subject groups, students gain knowledge about the world, understand how it works and what their place is in it.
And finally Varna education, or practical activities arising from knowledge and human nature will be the area where students engage themselves in various occupations – in other words: where knowledge meets practical application.
These three main areas together help students learn how they can live and cooperate in the community, and in the world.