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Description: Our centre resides on the banks of Ganges in Panihati Dham. By the mercy of our deities, Shri Shri Gaur Nitai and Srila Prabhupad , we serve hundreds of devotees by helping them in acquiring the transcendental spiritual knowledge through classes and inspire them in the path of self realization and serve the lordship and devotees with love and sincerity. Our Panihati dham is named as Vaishnav Seva Dham. Our mood and mission of serving the devotees resides in its name and we are eagerly working hard to fulfill this mission for the pleasure of the lordship, srila prabhupad and all the senior devotees. We conduct two bhakti sastri batches in a year. We put our effort in inculcating the 8 mood and missions of srila prabhupad in our devotees. We plan various programs to make the course more interesting and engaging like worksheets, dramas, assignments testing their realizations. We focus on the development of each and every candidate individually and encourage them to have a deep analysis and love for Srila Prabhupad’s books. We make attempts to give all the candidates some practical tasks which makes their realization of the scriptures much stronger and these various programs in this course encourage them to preach and spread the knowledge of Krishna consciousness. By this course, we ensure the fact – Books are the basis and Preaching is the essence.

Address: Iskcon Panihati temple

Website: https://www.facebook.com/share/LyrpUbdnps2LS8Yk/?

Email: avd.iskcon@gmail.com


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