Institute Type: Pre-primary School
Head: Padmamukha Nimai Das
Address: Mayapur, West Bengal 741313
Contact Number: 917384104165
Residential Facility: Yes
Brief description of Curriculum: We will have two types of courses: Sastric Courses and Language Courses. On principle, all of our Sastric courses will be free on a voluntary daksina basis and the language courses will be with minimal fees. For the Sastric courses, our main focus will the books of Srila Prabhupada and his predecessor acaryas in the Gaudiya vaisnava parampara. Regarding Language Courses, as of now, we are planning to have courses on basic Sanskrit, English, Bengali & Hindi.
Other details: Right now we are functioning as an online institute, but very soon we are going to set up our campus in Sridham Mayapur.