Year of formation2016
Address141033, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Mitishi district, Korgashino village, Nagornaya street, 12A
MisiónThe school was founded with the blessings of Bhakti Ananta Krishna Goswami. In 2015-2016 we (Giridhari Chandra das and Jana Pavani devi dasi) were running sunday programmes and bhakti-vrikshas for children in the temple Goloka Dham in Korgashino village (near Moscow city). We were providing programmes for children in the temple with some other parents ,that were interested in those programmes. And we became friends with those parents. And all the children, that would come to our programmes became friends. So in 2016 we started a kindergarten (preschool daycare center). It was working for two years (2016 and 2017). Just then our children achived the age ,when children usually go to school in Russia (7 years old). That’s why in 2017 we set up the gurukula. Parents united around a coommon goal – to give children love, good education and Krishna consciousness. One family donated a cottage, where childring are studing now. Due to the friendship of the parents and the blessings of senior devotees gurukula is exsisting up to this very day. The mission of the gurukula is to help families to bring up their children, to give them good education, love and Krishna Consciousness.
ActivitiesEvery morning children have spiritual classes. On Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays they have phlosophy of Krishna consciousness, on Wednesdays children have kirtan and on Fridays all the teachers, children and parents go to the temple (Greeting the deities, Guru puja) After spiritual class children study school subjects such as Maths, Science, English, P.E., History, Literature, Calligraphy, etc.) Then children have lunch (prasadam), that is cooked at school by our chef. After lunch children go for a walk with teachers. Every day after walk children may take part in different activities at school such as : drama club dancing class (for girls) chess club mridanga club handicrafts Sanskrit language football (for boys) men’s club (for boys) karate, skiing club Hiking, etc. At the end if the day at school children have a snack (prasadam) , that is also cooked at school by our chef.