Tapana Miśra Dāsa
Tapana Miśra Dāsa comenzó a asociarse con devotos de ISKCON en 1997 mientras estudiaba en el Instituto Indio de Tecnología, Delhi. Durante los siguientes veinte años tuvo la suerte de servir y experimentar la conciencia de Krishna en diferentes ambientes - programa universitario, residente en un templo, miembro de una congregación, líder de yatra y residente en un dham sagrado. Ahora vive con su esposa Indira-sakhi devi dasi y sus dos hijas Krishangi y Gaurangi en Sridham Mayapur. Tapana Miśra Dāsa tuvo una carrera muy exitosa en el mundo secular, gestionando inversiones para grandes instituciones financieras y representando al gobierno en el Consejo de Administración de empresas de más de mil millones de dólares. En 2014 a la edad de treinta y seis años, renunció gustosamente a su carrera a favor de servir a ISKCON y adoptó una vida más simple y un pensamiento más elevado siendo inspirado por su diksha guru S.S. Bhakti Vikasa Maharaj, S.D.G. Srila Prabhupada y Srimad Bhagavatam. Sus servicios voluntarios para ISKCON son - Director, Oficiales de Deberes Globales, ISKCON; Ministro, Ministerio de Educación, ISKCON; Miembro votante, GBC, ISKCON; Miembro del Comité - Desarrollo Organizacional del GBC, Nominaciones del GBC, Coordinación del Plan Maestro de Mayapur, Planeación Estratégica de Mayapur. Actualmente sus compromisos anuales de enseñanza incluyen los programas Bhakti Vaibhava, Bhakti Shastri, GBC College, ISKCON Leadership and Management como co-facilitador. Fue instrumental en el establecimiento de la prédica en un país muy desafiante en el Medio Oriente, el cual continúa sirviendo y supervisando. Tapana Miśra Dāsa tiene un B.Tech de IIT Delhi y MBA de la Facultad de Estudios de Gestión de la Universidad de Delhi y algunas otras cualificaciones profesionales. Dentro de ISKCON, Tapana Miśra Dāsa ha recibido un GBC College for Leadership Zonal Supervisor (Medalla de Oro), GBC Guru Services Committee - Spiritual Leadership diploma y algunas otras calificaciones educativas. Ha viajado ampliamente por todo el mundo a más de 50 países y comparte el mensaje de Srila Prabhupada dondequiera que se presente la oportunidad.

Satyamedhā Gaurāṅga Dāsa
Satyamedhā Gaurāṅga Dāsa has been involved in various educational projects and campaigns over the past decade. He has worked with the UK Department for Education, BBC, Prince’s Responsible Business Network, Prime Minister’s Office, and the Cabinet Office. He also joined various initiatives with Microsoft and Google. For the last five years, he has been serving as one of the Governors in educational institutes in the North-East of the UK, and last year he was appointed as the Chairman of the Board of Governors. Acting as a Governor for educational institutes, he worked on implementing a collective vision for excellence in education; was responsible for strategic direction, overseeing the senior leadership team, curriculum, financial performance, budgets, safeguarding and recruitment.

Shyam Gopal Das
Head of Administration
Born in 1979 in Siberia (Russia), Shyam Gopal das began chanting the maha mantra in 1998 after listening to lectures by ISKCON devotees on audio cassettes. In 2000, he acquired Srila Prabhupada’s books, started reading them and joined ISKCON in 2003. From 2005 to 2018, he helped in the development of preaching in the Krasnoyarsk territory and the Altai Republic (Russia). Since 2019, he has been living with his family in Mayapur, serving in the ISKCON Ministry of Education team and as a pujari at the Pancha-Tattva altar. He teaches “Bhakti-Shastri” and “Bhakti-Vaibhava”, “Student in ISKCON”, “Teacher Training Courses” and other courses in ISKCON and is an examiner of Omsk Vaishnava University “Rupanuga-Vidyapitha” (Russia). He also translates content into Russian, Spanish, Bengali and other languages and edits videos for the Ministry of Education channel, also edits books on devotional service and Vaishnava education and helps develop the Vedabase website.

Atula Krsna Das
BOEX Chairman
Atul Krsna dasa joined ISKCON’s Melbourne Mahaprabhu Mandir in Australia in 1985. He served as a book distributor and fundraiser in ISKCON Melbourne for 12 years. Prabhu spent the subsequent 4 years, under the personal guidance of his mantra guru, preaching in Bangladesh, during which time he learnt fluent Bengali. Prabhu resides in Sri Dhama Mayapur, and teaches sastra and teacher training in both English & Bengali mediums, throughout India, Bangladesh and the Middle East. He currently serves as the Chairman of the ISKCON Board of Examinations.

Swarup Krishna Das
Swarup Krishna Dasa began practising Bhakti-yoga in Pune, India in 1994 under HG Radheshyam Das. Subsequently, in 1999, he underwent training in the congregation preaching process in Bangalore, India and went on to be an active Bhakti Vriksha preacher as a grihastha devotee. Since 2002, he actively engaged in congregation preaching and Deity services in Kolkata, India. He got first initiation in 2004 and second initiation in 2014 by his spiritual master, His Holiness Jayapataka Swami Maharaja. After his retirement from his professional career in 2018-19, he dived deep into sastric education at Mayapur Institute and is currently pursuing Bhakti Vedanta. He is presently a Bhakti Sastri and Bhakti Vaibhava facilitator for Mayapur Institute. He is also actively involved in designing courses for new devotees / youth / children of the ISKCON family under the ISKCON Ministry of Education. In 2024, he got involved in several mobile app development projects on book distribution scoring and education. He has also rendered translation services from Bengali to English for books published on Gitar Gan of Srila Prabhupada, Sharanagati of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura and proofreading services for Bhakti Ratnakar.

Supriya Dev-Purkaystha
Head of Organisational Development and Outreach
A lifelong learner and mother of two, Supriya is inspired by Srila Prabhupada’s vision of a spiritually enlightened society. Passionate about breaking down barriers for people of colour and marginalized backgrounds, Supriya volunteers as a mentor and business advisor, contributing to industry-focused charities and organisations such as Media For All (MEFA) and BAE HQ, as well as supporting community-based charities such as Sanaton Association and Sankirtanfest. In addition, Supriya has held the position of Vice Chair on the board of Trustees at the Agate Momentum trust, an academy trust which has outstanding schools within Newham, providing world class primary education in the country’s most multicultural borough. Supriya has a degree in Communication Sciences and 20 years of digital marketing experience. She excels in transformational leadership, having supported organizations through growth, mergers, and acquisitions. She nurtures transformative partnerships, driven by her rich relationships, strong industry knowledge, and commercial acumen. Her leadership strives for a more democratic and inclusive society.
In her role as the Head of Organisational Development and Outreach for ISKCON Ministry of Education she spearheads initiatives to enhance the quality and impact of educational programs while expanding ISKCON’s reach through outreach initiatives.
Supriya’s dedication to self-development and helping others grow underpins her vision of empowering society with Lord Krishna’s teachings through democratization and accessibility.

Abhay Charan Das
Office Administrator
Abhay Charan Das is a second generation ISKCON devotee and Ex-Gurukuli. He spent his childhood in the Dallas Gurukul, and his early adolescence in the Mayapur Bhaktivedanta Ashram near the Goshala. This was a defining experience for him, as he returned to Mayapur in 2020 after graduating with a Bachelors in Finance from Houston Baptist University in 2019. He has been serving full time with the Ministry of Education since then.

Kripa Siddha Swarup Das
Administrador Técnico
Kripa Siddha Swarup Das was born in 2001 in Sofia, Bulgaria. At the age of 10 he moved to Sridham Mayapur, enrolling into the Bhaktivedanta Academy, where he would continue to study for the next decade. He was integral to the creation of Gurukula’s YouTube Channel, and graduated in a vedic ceremony in May of 2021. He has been serving full-time in the Ministry of Education since November of 2021.

Russel Sara
Editor de Vídeo
Russell Sara es operador de cámara de televisión profesional, editor de noticias de televisión profesional y gerente del canal de YouTube ISKCON Melbourne. También se desempeña como editor de video para Chaitanya Charan Prabhu, el Ministerio de ISKCON para la Protección de las Vacas y la Hermenéutica de ISKCON. Ha estado sirviendo diligentemente al Ministerio de Educación de ISKCON desde el verano de 2020.

Krishna Premarupa Dasa
Books are the Basis Co-ordinator
Krishna Premarupa Dasa, born in 1977 in Zurich, Switzerland, came in contact with Krishna Consciousness at the age of twenty-two and joined ISKCON Zurich in 2001. After living for one year in Odhisa, India, he received initiation from H.H. Bhakti Svarupa Damodara Swami in Imphal, Manipur, in 2002. From 2007 to 2021, he has served as the Temple President for ISKCON Zurich and presently serves as the Zonal Supervisor for ISKCON Switzerland. Despite his managerial responsibilities, he always prioritized studying and teaching Srila Prabhupada’s books. He is a Bhakti Sastri and Bhakti Vaibhava Teacher and conducts various other courses. In October 2019, he was appointed as a GDO in the area of Education. At the ISKCON Ministry for Education, he serves in the project ‘Books are the Basis’ with the mission to inspire devotees worldwide to read Srila Prabhupada’s books more often.