
Dear ISKCON leaders & teachers, it is our earnest desire that the realisations and experiences of devotees like your good selves be published in the form of thoughtful and informative articles. Your realisations, if shared will benefit Prabhupada’s mission. Please send your articles to and we will list them here.

Your Kids And the One-Eyed Guru

by Urmila Devi dasi When our oldest son, Madhava, now eighteen, was small, he had few toys—some blocks, some clay. We never had a television…

What’s a Child to Read?

by Sri Rama Dasa PARENTS OFTEN WRITE and ask for advice about reading material for their children. They want to expose their children to as…

The Test of Education

By Urmila Devi Dasi IN THE LAST WEEK of the last year of school, students sweat at the thought of the final exam. When they’ve…

The Return of the One-Room Schoolhouse

By Urmila Devi Dasi “SO MANY COMPUTERS!” That’s usually the first comment from someone visiting my classroom for the first time. Then, “Do you teach…

The Playful Mood

By Urmila Devi Dasi FIFTEEN CHILDREN between two and five years old stood at one end of our living room. Some inched away from the…

The Parent-Teacher Partnership

By Urmila Devi Dasi FOR MILLENNIA, parents sending their sons to school were also turning them over to a guru, not just to be a…

The Creative Urge

By Urmila Devi Dasi I’M WATCHING ROHINI, a thirteen-year-old with definite artistic talent and promise. She boards at our home to attend school here, and…

The Company We Keep

By Urmila Devi Dasi CAN WE MAKE OUR CHILDREN turn out the way we want? Srila Prabhupada once said, “If you place a child in…

Teens and Celibacy

By Urmila Devi Dasi CELIBACY IS SUCH an important part of Vedic education that the Sanskrit word for student is brahmacari (“celibate”). The pressure to give up…

Stepping Out

By Urmila Devi Dasi STUDENTS LOOK forward to—field trips! They’re a chance to learn by direct experience, a chance to apply or expand what one…

Revolutionary Cleanliness

by Urmila Devi Dasi THOSE WEEKLY girl scout meetings always began with us reciting our vows. “To be clean in thought, word, and deed,” I…

Prepared for Death

By Urmila Devi Dasi A COUSIN WITH WHOM I’d had no contact since joining the Hare Krsna movement sent me a card of congratulations when…

Pay the Price

By Urmila Devi Dasi AS THIS DARK AGE progresses, so does the philosophy of automatic spiritual enlightenment. In bookstores, seminars, and certainly in the literature…

Nursery Nectar

By Urmila Devi Dasi TWO YEARS OLD, Lalita Madhava sits with all her concentration focused on the book our 14-year-old daughter is showing her. Lalita…

Names and Dates

By Urmila Devi Dasi THE ELEVEN-, twelve-, and thirteen-year-olds raise their hands with questions. “Do we need to know the difference between the Constitution and…

Motivation for Obedience

By Urmila Devi Dasi LORD KRSNA DEMANDS surrender, and Srila Prabhupada explains that without obedience one cannot attain to the Lord’s kingdom. So how do…

Loving Our Children

By Urmila Devi Dasi HERE IN THE material world it’s easy to become absorbed in attachment and love for our family, especially our children, and…

Kick Out Darwin

by Urmila Devi Dasi The Doctrine Of Evolution is difficult to hide from. It is so pervasive in textbooks of science, geography, history, and literature…

Just Say No to No

By Urmila Devi Dasi THREE ADULTS ARE taking a group of children on an educational excursion, and the “no’s” begin. “Don’t climb on that fence!”…

Is Experience the Best Teacher?

By Urmila Devi Dasi AFTER GIVING Arjuna knowledge of matter and spirit, Lord Krsna tells him, “Deliberate on this fully, and then decide what you…

Higher Vocations

By Urmila Devi Dasi Srila Prabhupada Wanted Iskcon’s educational system to produce high-class people, high not in wealth or status but in character. We often…

“Do You Force Your Children?”

by Urmila Devi Dasi WE SIT IN THE Calcutta Airport waiting for an announcement, the flight three hours late. The many ceiling fans do little…

Detachment from Children

By Urmila Devi Dasi Our Dead Son’s Body, nine inches long, lay in my hand. For some months afterward, my natural affection—that motherly impulse hard-wired…

Crack in the Universe

By Urmila Devi Dasi THE NINETEENTH-CENTURY founder of Sunday school in America, H. Clay Trumbull, remembers calling to his father before falling asleep at night….

An Offering of Love

By Urmila Devi Dasi The students, from the beginners who can barely write to the almost-graduated, look up expectantly. “Blank paper, everyone! For the next…

Accepting a Spiritual Master

By Urmila Devi Dasi THIS MONTH (September) we celebrate Srila Prabhupada’s one-hundredth birthday anniversary. To honor Srila Prabhupada, our children can sing his praises, decorate…

A Taste for the Lord’s Name

By Urmila Devi Dasi IT’S AFTER THE TEMPLE’S Sunday feast. Packed into our van, the children laugh and jostle one another as we head for…
