Bhagavata Vedic College is dedicated to teaching the principles of Krishna consciousness according to the principles that we have learned from His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. We will also teach that which the previous Acaryas in our parampara taught because their teachings are the basis of what Srila Prabhupada taught.
We teach the ISKCON Disciple Course and also a course on Vaisnava Etiquette. Additionally, we will be teaching the standard Bhakti-sastra course on Bhagavad-gita, Nectar of Devotion, Nectar of Instruction and Sri Isopanisad.
Furthermore, we recognize that it is our duty as members of The International Society for Krishna Consciousness to properly represent and, as needed, to defend the teachings of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and we hope that some of our students will become experts in such matters. Specifically, we expect our students to become competent, on the authority of the Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-bhagavatam and other books and teachings that Srila Prabhupada gave us, in
1) defeating the fallacious Posthumous Ritvik conception, and other false concepts that may seep into ISKCON;
2) defeating the fallacious philosophical principles of the western philosophers and the six general branches of knowledge in India;
3) identifying and being able to explain on the basis of Lord Caitanya’s teachings the fallacy of a variety of apa-sampradayas that have emerged since Lord Caitanya’s advent;
In general, we hope that all of our students will attain a very good philosophical and practical understanding of Krishna consciousness that will benefit them personally and give them a strong basis to guide them on the path back to Godhead.
Note: We are still putting together the Bhakti-sastra Course. I am alone with this project right now and fully engaged in other temple services too. But as soon as possible we will start offering different Modules of our course, probably starting with Sri Isopanisad.
Address: ISKCON Miami Temple 3220 Virginia Street Miami, Florida 33133 USA
Website: http://bhagavatavediccollege.org
Email: dharmadasa64@gmail.com
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