Year of formation1993
AddressBhaktivedanta Manor Hilfield Lane Aldenham Herts WD25 8EZ
MisiónFor over 25 years, our Temple has been hosting this program, imparting Vedic knowledge to the young minds of our community. Our curriculum is based on scriptures, values, discipline, and etiquette to foster a well-rounded spiritual and cultural foundation for our children. Our ultimate aim is to nurture the next generation with a firm grounding on the spiritual principles of Krishna Consciousness. As our founder Acharya Srila Prabhupada once remarked, “These children are the future of our society, so it is our responsibility to instill in them the teachings of Lord Krishna from an early age.”
ActivitiesIntroduction of Bhagvad Gita, Glimpses of Srimad Bhagvatam in the story form, Bhagavad Gita slokas, Sanskrit, Drama, Dance, Craft, Bhajan