शिक्षा का दर्शन

The ISKCON Ministry of Education is appealing to all of our experienced educators to please share their philosophy to education with us. We have already published several articles submitted to us by prominent educators within our movement. Though we are fortunate to have received the papers that we did, our Ministry catalogue will be hugely enhanced with each new addition.

Every educator has a different approach to education, and we strongly feel that our next generation of aspiring teachers would gain much insight, and benefit greatly in their careers simply by reading these papers. Our youth is our future, and nothing is more important than molding them into the ideal leaders that they can one day become. As the Ministry of Education, this is our greatest responsibility to our society.

Your philosophy of education may one day serve as a beacon to a future educator in our Gurukulas, guiding them through their entire educational journey. We humbly request you to please share with us the fruits of your many years of teaching experience, and participate in leading the future of ISKCON education. You can email us at office@iskconeducation.org to do that.

A Bhagavata Philosophy of Education

Radhika Ramana Das

Higher Education in ISKCON

Radhika Ramana Das

Towards Principles and Values

Rasamandala Das

Philosophy of Education – Isopanisad

Urmila Devi Dasi

Standards and Indicators

Pancaratna Das

Vedic Education

Prana Natha Das

A Case for Village Pedagogy

Bhakti Raghava Swami
