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Description: VEDAS FOR ALL Knowledge on behalf of devotion Certified diplomas delivered by the BOEX (Board of Examinations) of ISKCON. 100 % online or face-to-face if close to New Mayapur, France. Carried away in its mad rush, today’s humanity is heading straight into the wall, what to do? Lower our arms, lament, deny the inevitable, shy away from our duty and artificially renounce our karmic destiny, dilute the outgoing message by making it impersonal, the list goes on … The Institute of Vedic Theology allows us to study in depth, major Sanskrit texts translated into French and English (Bhagavad-gita, Sri Isopanisad ……) in order to equip us philosophically and spiritually to finally avoid the pitfalls, the temptations that dot constantly our spiritual ascension out of the confines of this 3-dimensional world and rekindle our spiritual consciousness, still dormant.

Address: New Mayapur examination center France

Website: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCST7ztw82ehM2lUifOlM_fw

Email: dialogues.gaudiyavaishnav@gmail.com

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