Description: We are a small preaching centre focused on book distribution and other kinds of preaching. We are also running a farm community project for grihasthas and for development of varnshrama dharma mission.
We are having regular Sunday feast programs in Brno, harinams etc. And we organize festivals and camps on our farm – Nava Gokula. https://gokula.cz/en/
We offer bhakti sastri course to interested devotees in Czech language. We are not planning any specific expansion regarding bhakti sastri etc. in near future. It is our side program.
Address: Prabhupad Bhavan, Skavsko 519, 768 33, Morkovice-Slizany, Czech Republic
Website: https://bhavan.cz/en/
Email: sankirtan.bvks@gmail.com
You can also get in touch with this center through our centers’ contact form, here