Question Banks Below you can find the ISKCON Board of Examination’s official question banks, standards and policies for Sastric Degrees. QB: Bhakti SastriQB: Bhakti VaibhavaQB: Bhakti VedantaStandards & PoliciesBhagavad Gita 1-6Canto 1: 1-9Cantos 8-9BOEX Closed Book Assessment StandardsBhagavad Gita 7-12Canto 1: 10-19BOEX Guidelines for Closed Book Exam SupervisorsBhagavad Gita 13-18Canto 2Standards_for_Online BS / BV Degree AssessmentNectar Of DevotionCanto 3: 1-19Cheating and PenaltiesNectar Of InstructionCanto 3: 20-33Bhakti Sastri StandardsSri IsopanishadCanto 4: 1-11Bhakti Vaibhava StandardsCanto 4: 12-31Bhakti Vedanta StandardsCanto 5Canto 6